Crystallised Decay Wiki
This wiki is no longer of any use, crystallised decay has been discontinued by Xyrosic.

Spinel is a Legendary Gem In the game.

Her Gem placement is on her chest in the shape on an upside-down heart.


LMB: Rejuvenation combo which does good damage and knockback

1: Stretches out leg, which will do moderate damage.

2:Spinel Front-Flips Around the map more than 5 times

3:Spinner hit: The user spins super fast and attacks every player that comes in contact. Also leaves a red trail

4th move: Spinel super sized her fist as big as it can go striking the oppenents




Spinel is one of the or most powerful gems if maxed out

The spin move can be glitched where you can attack players while spinning

Edits made by : koatsu

This wiki is no longer of any use, crystallised decay has been discontinued by Xyrosic.
Screenshot eee